WARM UP: 10 min of: 10 ASQ / 5 Pull ups / 10 Sit ups / 5 T. jumps / 5 HS holds / 10 Push ups
SKILL: Pull up progression and thruster work up to WOD weight + tactics for the WOD's
WOD 1: "FRAN" 21-15-9 Thrusters (43/30kg) / Pull ups. Cap time: 7 min
5 min rest in between WOD's
WOD 2: "OPEN 12.1" 7 min AMRAP of Burpees
COOL DOWN: Foam rolling / Mobility
NOTES: Fran is a sprint, don't take rest and go full out! Aim for a 4-5 min workout. For the 7 min of burpees be tactical and start around 12 to 15 burpees per min. and stay consistent throughout the workout.