You must have noticed that the evenings and weekends at the box are getting busy! Thats why we added an extra WOD hour on Saturday AND Sunday at 09:00 am. Starting this week the 22nd and 23rd of August.
If you don't get a spot in the WOD right away put yourself on the waiting list, only 2 people can be on this list and will be added automatically.
You can schedule your WOD's 30 days in advance! So get organized ;)


The 23rd of August at 12:45 we will gather at the box and drive with some cars to Bilzen for a #SummerBoxTour WOD at 13:30 at CrossFit Bilzen. It's a new box nor so far away and we would like to say hello to our neighbors and make their box dirty with our sweat ;) The costs will be €5 except if you're the driver! Sign up via our Facebook event.


Want to become more flexible but don't have the time to come to the Mobility WOD on Sunday at 11 o'clock? We got a solution for you! Sign up for ROMWOD and get your daily fix! ROMWOD is a website filled with mobility video's ranging from 10 to 45 min for all levels of flexibility.
Want to know how to sign up with a reduction? Come to the box and we will get you an account! romwod.com