Yesterday Fysiotherapie Souren made a start at the Batteraof Box. As of now, you can contact us; Mark Souren and Rick van Marm (intern at Fysiotherapie Souren) for all your physical complaints.
So how does it work? Below you can find some basic information and practice regulations.
Do I need a referral before a physio assessment?
No, a referral is not required! You can make an appointment without consulting your general practitioner / family doctor or specialist.
What is in a first appointment?
1. A physiotherapy screening that will indicate if physiotherapy is the required way to remedy your complaint. If physiotherapy is indicated, a full assessment will take place.
2. Next, the findings of the assessment will be discussed with you and a treatment plan will be drawn up. If there is sufficient time remaining the actual treatment will already start.
3. If there is no indication for physical therapy, you will be directed to your general practitioner.
How can I make an appointment?
Contact us via phone: 045-5241184. However, to quickly make your appointment in the CrossFit Batteraof box, please contact Rick van Marm: +31(0)651599458
Our Consultation hours:
Tuesday between 18:00-20:00pm
Saturday between 9:00-12:00am
* We will try to be flexible, so consultation hours or days may sometimes alter
Some Practice regulations
1. At the first appointment, we ask you to bring a referral; your insurance card and identification to the practice.
2. We ask you to bring one or two towels.
3. Because of hygiene measures, we ask you not to train prior to treatment.
4. Payment for physiotherapy is totally or partially reimbursed by your health insurance, depending on your insurance. It is your responsibility to inform you about your own insurance form and conditions. If there are some you do not understand about your insurance, please contact your healthcare provider If you have any questions, please check out our website (in Dutch), contact Rick via mobile or ask us in the box.
Although CrossFit Batteraof and Fysiotherapie Souren are two independent and separate businesses, we are set for a fruitful and successful collaboration.
Cheers and see you in the practice!
Mark Souren en Rick van Marm