

Happy New Year everybody!!
2016 is over and so is the December Challenge, nobody will be very sad it's over and done...
Doing this challenge was really a pain in the calves! Multiple people told us it was hard to walk after the 1000 Double Unders, wonder why....
And the 3 time winner is Stefan Bierbauer, he won a FITAID a Jump Rope and a month free membership for a friend or family member! But the ultimate winner is Betsy Scarberry finishing the 1000 Double Unders in 17 min. and 49 sec. She deserves a special Batteraof Hoodie! Come and pick it up at the box!


Is a challenge independant of your skill level, everybody that attends 15 WOD's in 15 days in the month of January wins a T-shirt!

• Write your name on the board and 1 dash for every attendance
• Only the regular box WOD's count for the challenge
• If you do 2 WOD's (like Kelly ;) or an extra Specialty class, it's still counts as 1
• Open Gym doesn't count
• Entering the box, hanging around and leaving again doesn't count...

Hope to all see you in the box at least 15 times this month!!!