

Who’s in for an awesome experience?
We get to party, have fun, laugh and do something really special plus we support our box!
Join us and get involved in the IRONMAN Maastricht the 31st of July!

For the IRONMAN race they need a lot of volunteers and the organization asked us to get involved. They need volunteers in positions like the aid-stations (food/drinks for the athletes), bike course, finish area, merchandise, and so on..
We would like to gather as many Batteraoven as possible and have an awesome day together!

What's in it for you?
* IRONMAN pre-party @ Friday July 29th
* FREE IRONMAN T-shirt & Goodies
* Volunteer at IRONMAN MAASTRICHT Sunday July 31st and have an awesome experience
* IRONMAN After party

The Batteraof Obstacle Team is signing up for the IRONMAN 5K Night Run @ Friday July 29th. It will be a lot of fun for everyone involved, with music, the support of local residents, volunteers and all participants making a great atmosphere. Once the race is over, everyone is welcome to join the IRONMAN pre-party, at de Griend, Maastricht with the 90s Forever DJ Team from 8:30pm until 01:00pm. Costs for the 5k run are €15 (including a special T-shirt).

Does it get any better? Yes! Every volunteer earns €15 that will be donated to our box. Together we will decide what to do with it! The more Batteraoven volunteer the more €€€ we have to buy something nice, like a rower ;)

What do you have to do to volunteer?
* Be available Sunday July 31st
* Write down your full name, email, mobile, T-shirt size on the list at the desk at the box
* Optional: Join the Batteraof Obstacle team @ Friday July 29 for the IRONMAN 5K Night Run and pre-party

More info:
Facebook volunteers: https://www.facebook.com/ironmanmaastrichtvolunteers/?fref=ts

IRONMAN Night Run: http://eu.ironman.com/triathlon/events/emea/ironman/maastricht/sideevents/night-run.aspx#axzz47Qu25ViT

IRONMAN MAASTRICHT website: http://eu.ironman.com/triathlon/events/emea/ironman/maastricht.aspx#axzz47Qu25ViT


Are you ready to watch the fittest people on Earth? We can not wait for the CrossFit Games to begin!! In less than 1 week the first CrossFit Games Master workouts already start. With events like Murph, a snatch ladder and a sprint mash up it will be great to watch!

What could be more fun than getting together in the box to experience this event/night while enjoying a WOD, a BBQ, a DJ, a snack, a drink and some zzzz... with a group of 'crazy' Cross-Fitters?!

Some practical information:
Program Saturday, July 25th
17:00 - Team workout (with special CrossFit Games theme and DJ)
18:00 - Start BBQ + Live stream on a large projector
05:30 - End of last workout CrossFit Games Saturday
05:30 - 08:30 Sleeping in the box
We will organize a BREAKFAST the next morning at 08:30 and for the die-hards you can join the Sunday WOD or BTCMP at 10 or 11am!

What you need to bring:
Food and drinks for the BBQ (can be paleo-proof)
Sportswear (if you participate in the workout)
Clean clothing (for post-workout)
Something to sit on or sleep on/in (air mattress, sleeping bag, folding chair, etc.) * There are some sofas available in the box.

The costs for this evening (DJ and breakfast) will be €15 per person. Please sign up online (MindBody), or with the button below, or at the box.