Last month of the year and we have a GRAND CHALLENGE for ALL of you TOGETHER!!!


But first let me share with you the score and the winners of the NOVEMBER CHALLENGE.
The winner in the category MEN is Christophe Weltens! He pulled 610 strict reps in 1 month. Congrats x-ophe, come and get your free t-shirt at the box.
The winner in the category WOMEN is ME!!! Just joking ;) It's Maartje Zwakenberg, she went from ZERO to HERO this month AND got 7 strict pullups. Maartje, come and get your free t-shirt at the box.


This month challenge is a GROUP CHALLENGE! We are going to collect 10.000 minutes of deep squat sit hold.

Here are some rules:
• Air squats only, below parallel
• Set yourself a time you are going to do the challenge and stick to it! If you come out of the squat before the min are over they don't count!
• Half minutes don't count
• Only squatting in the box counts
• No help from others or walls or anything

More importantly...What can you win as a group??
If the 10.000 minutes are done we (the box owners) will organize a NEW YEAR BORREL with free drinks for everybody ;)

...and now SHUT UP AND SQUAT!!!!




Holiday's are coming but your GAINZ should remain! Therefore we are NOT CLOSING the Batteraof Box completely during the last days of 2015. Let me share with you the schedule:

Thursday 24th of December: OPEN from 09:00 to 12:30 special WOD's
Friday 25th of December: CLOSED as usual
Saturday 26th of December: OPEN from 09:00 to 12:30 special WOD's (no strongman)
Thursday 31st of December: OPEN from 09:00 to 12:30 special WOD's
Friday 1st of January: CLOSED as usual


The NEW YEAR is bringing a lot of GOOD things to the Box! The schedule changes and more WOD's are planned in the evenings. The WOD's during the week will start at 5:30pm and end at 9:30pm, so 1 extra WOD is added on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!
See the schedule below for the complete update.

The Tuesday Weightlifting class will remain and move to 8:30 pm. The Thursday class will be cancelled and replaced by a WOD.

The Wednesday Gymnastic class will remain and move to 8:30 pm.

The ALL IN ONE Beginners classes will remain on Saturday. The Beginners 1, 2 or 3 during the week will be removed.

The Saturday will no longer have a special Strongman class, but all the WOD's on Saturday will have a BUDDY / STRONGMAN flavour.

Competition Training
If you want to take part in future CrossFit competitions you will have the ability to train with a team of likeminded athletes on Friday evening and Sunday morning. 

Let us know if you have any questions

Did you know that CrossFit Batteraof now has an in-house nutritionist?

From November onwards Ramon Walthie will be able to help you with the following:
• Lose some or even lots of weight?
• Maybe add weight in the form of lean muscle?
• Do you want to get your gut-health under control?
• Or are you just interested in a body composition measurement?

He can find the perfect diet for you!
How would you feel if you had an organized action plan to help you achieve your goals? How would you like to have an expert by your side each step of the way to help you interpret what’s worth trying and what’s not?



Time flies when you're having FUN! It's the last day of October and November is just 1 day away. This means we have to announce the WINNERS of the October Challenge and announce the November Challenge too.

First things first, the winners of the October Challenge are.. ratata ratata...
In the 10kg category: GITTA with 4;00 minutes in total!!
In the 15kg category: JAIME with 2;39 minutes
In the 20KG category: ALEXANDER with 1;10 minutes, nobody came close to his score, not even with using the "cheating" thinner plates ;)

Congrats guys and girls. Come and pick up your Batteraof T-shirt at the box!

THE NOVEMBER CHALLENGE.. ratata ratata..

Ok we already had this movement in a challenge but we see you all need a bit more practice and do more STRICT work!!

The challenge = As many STRICT Pull ups in 1 MONTH.
What does this mean:

  • NO KIPPING, or using any other part of your body except your arms/back to get up.
  • Chin above the bar in the top, arms fully extended in the know the drill.
  • You don't need a judge, we trust you are not a cheater. PLAY FAIR.
  • You have the whole month to collect as many strict pull ups as possible, you can do this at any time you are in the box, also strict pullups in a WOD count for your total score.
  • Feet off the floor tall guys.
  • No bands, no jumping, no low bars.

Have fun with this challenge and be STRICT!!!




It's no longer September so that means NO MORE ROWING ;)))))))))))
A lot of you will be happy it's over!

Let me tell you what happened in September:
More than all the challenges before you guys participated in this challenge, that's GREAT!
Some of you did it more than once and improved their score multiple times, that's GREAT!
Some of you didn't want to do the challenge again after you did it once - Glenn ;)

Best 500m time for the men goes to Leroy Wolters with 1 min. and 24 sec. I think he had to go home after the challenge, he rowed his life out of his lungs....

Best 500m time for the ladies goes to Genevieve with 1min. and 37sec. Rosalie and Marjan tried very hard to get close but failed miserably....

Come and pick up your T-shirt at the box winners!!

October Challenge!!!

"The GRIP"
This challenge is super easy, we got 3 categories you can compete in; 10, 15 and 20 kg.
Men and women compete in the same category (I don't want to see guys in the 10kg category!!!)
You have to hold on to the bumper plates as long as possible.

Holding in the rings of the bumper plate is not allowed
You have to hold the plates next to you with straight arms.
Same weight for both arms, when you drop 1 plate it is over
You can try as many times you like



From October the 5th the schedule for the Beginner's classes will change!
No more Beginner's classes at 10am and on Thursday and Sunday but on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday at 8pm.

But the good news is that we will offer Beginner's ALL IN ONE (1, 2 and 3) class on Saturday from 9am until 11:30. In two and a half hours you will learn the 9 fundamental movements of CrossFit and get a great workout. At the end you will receive a certificate and you are officially ready to join the regular WOD's.

You can sign up right now!

Cost for a 1 month Beginner's are €80,- including 3 beginners classes or Beginner's ALL IN ONE and the rest of the month FREE WOD's!!
Or you can choose just to do the Beginners ALL IN ONE only for €35,-