


The April Challenge was not 1 but 3 challenges; 250m Row for time + 100 sit ups for time + 50 Wall ball shots for time. Every second and millisecond counted as a point, and the athlete with the least amount of points won the challenge. See below all the participants, to us you are ALL WINNERS!!! But unfortunately we cannot handout 40 t-shirts every month ;). So Kelly Stessen come and pick up your Batteraof t-shirt!

TOP 3:

  1. Kelly: 6,98 points
  2. Marjan: 7,082 points
  3. Pablo: 7,2 points

See below all the "WINNER" scores:
Anke: 12,342
Rok: 10,046
Michelle: 9,526
Bas: 12,546
Jérøme: 9,432
Marvin: 7,404
Stefan van S: 8,468
Juan: 7,306
Emilia: 8,09
Loes: 7,978
Anne K: 9,734
Shalton: 8,62
Lee-Roy: 8,938
Maikel: 7,944
Rob: 8,048
Marleen: 11,75
Justine: 12,16
Brian: 12,07
Remco: 8,994
Lavina: 22,46
Richard: 9,416
Myrthe: 7,38
Sander: 7,94
Joep: 11,78
Joost: 7,488
Karin: 8,146
Remco E: 7,496


In May we will work together in a mixed gender buddy team. You and your buddy have to complete 2 different benchmark WOD's together. WOD 1: "Grace" 30 Clean&Jerks (61/43kg) for time + WOD 2: "Randy" 75 Power Snatches (34/25kg) for time. When one buddy works the other buddy rests, split up the reps however you like. You can do the WOD whenever you want, how many times you want and you don't have to do both in one day. The buddy team with the least amount of time in total wins a buddy Batteraof t-shirt!!



No Stress Bench Press September is over and we got a very obvious challenge winner in the men's category and a not so obvious winner in women's.
In the men's category Remco E. won with +50kg.
In the women's category Rosalie S. won with +7.5kg.
Come and get (order) a Batteraof t-shirt at the box.


This month we got a great challenge for all of you! You can choose between A. As many toes to bar as possible in 1 min or B. As many UNBROKEN Toes-To-Bar as possible. You have to choose between A. or B. Male and female are in the same category.

Toes-To-Bar (TTB) is a movement that is designed to test your abdominal and arm strength as well as your grip strength.
The movement is simple enough; Start in the hanging position on the bar with the heels starting behind the vertical plane. You then get both toes to touch the bar at the same time in between your hands.
Get a judge to count your reps and/or time your minute.
You can do strict or kipping TTB.
Rest while hanging on the bar (without letting go) is still considered unbroken.

Cannot do a TTB yet? Practice Toes-To-Rings! And who knows you get your first TTB this month!

Happy TTB'ing


The August Challenge ended in an epic battle between Danielle and Juan fighting for the best FRAN time. Juan won with 2 min and 58sec beating Danielle with just 41 seconds.
Jeroen caused some confusion during the challenge with his INVISIBLE FRAN time of 1min and 57 sec. but he unfortunately could not get the same FRAN time with 43kg on his bar...

The SEPTEMBER CHALLENGE is a completely different Powerlifting beast. No high intensity workout but pure raw power! 1 rep max BENCH PRESS minus your bodyweight.
Some rules:
• Stand on the scale just before or just after you do the challenge and take your shoes off but keep your clothes on!
• Keep your butt and head on the bench
• Touch your chest with the bar
• Full extension at the top in the beginning and end of the press
• No help. When you cannot lift the bar make sure you have a spotting buddy
• Yes your score can be in the minus, just lift more weight!
We got 2 categories this month, male and female.




The July Challenge was a battle of unprecedented scale! The female athletes got a clear winner with 3 min and 21 sec. Congratulations Karin, come and get your Batteraof t-shirt!!

On the male athletes side there isn't one clear winner but 3! Karsten, Remco F. and Stef have the same score of 2 min and 58 sec.
Therefore we are organizing a SHOWDOWN, FINAL BATTLE!! There can be but one victor ;)
Please organize yourselfs and get ready to "go to war"!



The August Challenge is a completely different beast. You will be challenged to set your BEST "FRAN" TIME. Fran is a girls benchmark workout consisting out of: 21-15-9 reps of Thrusters (43/30) and Pullups. No timecap, just get it done as fast as possible. If you need to scale do so and make a note on the board. The box WOD's will also be "Fran-biased" this month, so no excuses!!!



We got a WINNER for the June Challenge!! Remco Eijssen managed to get the most progression in 1 month of standing upside down. He went from 29sec. to a massive 61sec. on his hands.
Karsten Kroon is a good second with a progression from 23sec. to 50sec.
Remco come and get your t-shirt at the box!

This month challenge is one that's going to burn the lungs! As Fast As Possible 1 RUN around the block (950m). I wish you the best of luck with this one, it should be possible within 3 min.
If you can't run ( not the same as I don't want to run ;) the challenge will be 1km ROW for time.




Must say you guys and girls put up a HARD fight this month to win the May Challenge. 250m Row for time with a damper setting on 5, that made some of you shoot like a rocket of the concept 2 rower!
No surprise the rowing man Joost Koedijk won the challenge with 38.6 sec. But gorilla Juan put up a good fight until the last day of the challenge but got stuck on 39.5 sec.
Nobody less than Genevieve won the rowing challenge AGAIN with 46.0 sec. Beating Jolien and Marjan with just a couple of milliseconds. Both winners come and order you Batteraof t-shirt at the box!

FREE Standing Handstand HOLD for as long as possible in a 1x1m square will probably sound like a horror story for most, but for some this is a dream challenge come true! We introduced a SECRET RULE that we will announce at the end of the challenge. All you need to know is that you have to write down your new score on the board every time you advance and leave the old score.

Good luck and break a finger ;))