Not just another day at the Batteraof box, but crush 1 PR and attack 2 weaknesses day! Let me share with you some of the highlights of the day... Get ready to be impressed;

Sander did not 1 but 2 bar muscle ups today and got massive biceps immediately after...he is also a great photomodel as you can see!

Sander did not 1 but 2 bar muscle ups today and got massive biceps immediately after...he is also a great photomodel as you can see!

Victor did something amazing today, he improved his Deadlift PR with 90kg!! Going from 80kg to a 170kg deadlift. Great stuff 

Victor did something amazing today, he improved his Deadlift PR with 90kg!! Going from 80kg to a 170kg deadlift. Great stuff 

Karin did 3 unbroken kipping handstand pushups today without an abmat!  Got a PR and she looked great doing it :)

Karin did 3 unbroken kipping handstand pushups today without an abmat!  Got a PR and she looked great doing it :)

Danny added at least 5kg to his Deadlift PR!! Without a hookgrip ;) So who knows how much he can lift next time with the hookgrip... 

Danny added at least 5kg to his Deadlift PR!! Without a hookgrip ;) So who knows how much he can lift next time with the hookgrip... 

I just like this picture!!! By the way Vivian also broke her PR on the power clean without planning to do so! Did I tell you that I like this picture!! 

I just like this picture!!! By the way Vivian also broke her PR on the power clean without planning to do so! Did I tell you that I like this picture!! 

Mandy didnt give up and got that 110kg Deadlift after the class was over. Great spirit! Never give up!!

Mandy didnt give up and got that 110kg Deadlift after the class was over. Great spirit! Never give up!!

Antony's back squats are deep and strong! Crushed his PR with 10kg and is still smiling :))

Antony's back squats are deep and strong! Crushed his PR with 10kg and is still smiling :))

Hermes is just great in everything, everyday is a PR day! 

Hermes is just great in everything, everyday is a PR day! 

How many bar muscle ups unbroken did you do Iv Oo? And how many meters did you walk on your hands? And how many strict pull ups did you do with a weighted vest? And thrusters and and and...... Great day! 

How many bar muscle ups unbroken did you do Iv Oo? And how many meters did you walk on your hands? And how many strict pull ups did you do with a weighted vest? And thrusters and and and...... Great day! 

Lee Roy added 10kg to his Clean and Jerk. He also got arms sticking out of his ears 😁 

Lee Roy added 10kg to his Clean and Jerk. He also got arms sticking out of his ears 😁 

All in all it was a great day and we hope you enjoyed it too! Lets keep on attacking those darn weaknesses and bring on some new PR's! Great job BEASTS.

WOD and BOX BRUNCH 10/10/2015

WARMUP: 8min of: 10 ASQ / 5 Push ups / 10 kipping / 5 ring rows

SKILL: Practice and Build up to Thruster weight

WOD: "Bergeron Beep Test”
EMOM 15 min:
7 Thrusters (35/25kg)
7 Pull ups
7 Burpees
If you fail before the 15 minute mark, decrease the reps for all three movements to 6 reps and continue.  If you can’t complete the the 6’s move to 5’s, and so on…


WOD 06/10/2015

WARMUP: 6 min of: 10 ASQ / 5 pushup / 2x samson stretch / 20 sec dead hang

SKILL: pipe drill and prepare WOD weight and movements

AMRAP 8 min
1 ring / bar MU (scaling= 1 wall climb)
3 Burpees
*add 1 rep after every round

- 5 min rest -

For time - start from ground:
20 FSQ(45/30kg)
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (45/30kg)
20 Push Press (45/30kg)
20 Overhead Squats (45/30kg)
20 BSQ (45/30kg)
*without dropping bar = RX
tc: 8 min