WOD 17/03/2015

THX Vivian for the picture!

THX Vivian for the picture!

WARM UP: 10min - 10 m Inch worm / 10 lunge steps / 10 Air squats / 10 Sit ups / 10 Push ups

SKILL: Practice all the weightlifting movements from the WOD. Work up to workout weight.

WOD: AMRAP 18 min - 1 Deal lift (60/40kg) / 1 Hang Power Clean (60/40kg) / 1 Front Squat (60/40kg) / 1 Push Jerk (60/40kg). The round does not count if you drop the bar in a round of 4 lifts!

COOL DOWN: Foam roller

Note: The weight on the bar should feel medium heavy. Try to get to 50 rounds in 18 min. Take rest after every round.




WARM UP:  No specific warmup, the buy in is 1k run and at the same time the warmup.

SKILL: prep for scaling the movements

WOD: buy in - 1 km run / 21 TTB / 18 Pull ups / 15 HSPU / 18 TTB / 15 Pull ups / 12 HSPU / 15 TTB / 12 Pull ups / 9 HSPU / 12 TTB / 9 Pull ups / 6 HSPU / TTB / 6 Pull ups / 3 HSPU / 6 TTB / 3 Pull ups / 1 HSPU. Buy out - 1 km run. Time cap: 37min

COOLDOWN: Stretch with band

Try to start all the movements strickt as much as you can. Scale along the way down the ladder if needed. Try to run 1km in 4 min so you have enough time for all the movements. 



We all got our own personal weaknesses and today is the day to work on them! Pick 2 weaknesses, 2 things you really suck at ( OHSQ/ Snatch, Double unders etc..) and we will create a specific warmup and workout.

PRE WARM UP: Run around the block (1 km)

WARM UP: 10 min - Weakness specific warm up

SKILL: 20 min Weakness specific skill 

WOD: 20 min - EMOM - Even min. Weakness 1 / Uneven min. Weakness 2

Embrace the suck and leave your ego at the door!!!!


WOD 11/03/2012 CLEAN & DU LADDER

W-UP: For 6 min - 10 Goodmorning with band / 20 m Bear crawl / 5 Push ups / 20 m Bear crawl

STRETCH: Shoulder / Scapula Band stretch on rig

SKILL: Power Clean - For max weight 3 sets of 3 touch and go

WOD: Ladder for 35 min: 2 Power Clean / 25 Dubble Under (or 50 Single Under) / 4 P. Clean / 25 DU (or 50 SU) / 6 P. Clean / 25 DU (or 50 SU) etc... etc... Adding 2 Power Cleans every round, keep the DU/SU amount the same. 

The weight for the Power Clean in the WOD should be 75% of your 1 RMax.

Note: This is a very long workout, you will work on your metabolic conditioning, strength and stamina. You should be able to do the DU/SU unbroken and make at least 3 to 5 repetitions on the P.Clean. You should be able to get at least into round 20.