WARM UP: 10 min of: 10 ASQ / 5 Pull ups / 10 Sit ups / 5 T. jumps / 5 HS holds / 10 Push ups

SKILL: Pull up progression and thruster work up to WOD weight + tactics for the WOD's

WOD 1: "FRAN" 21-15-9 Thrusters (43/30kg) / Pull ups. Cap time: 7 min
5 min rest in between WOD's
WOD 2: "OPEN 12.1" 7 min AMRAP of Burpees

COOL DOWN: Foam rolling / Mobility

NOTES: Fran is a sprint, don't take rest and go full out! Aim for a 4-5 min workout. For the 7 min of burpees be tactical and start around 12 to 15 burpees per min. and stay consistent throughout the workout.



Monday 25th of May 2015
Day 1 of Benchmark Week. A great opportunity to test yourself and start tracing your scores.

WARM UP: Rope Jumping 10 min - practice your Double Unders

SKILL: Clean & Jerk pipe drill and empty bar practice

WOD 1: ANNIE - For time 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders / Sit ups. If you are doing single unders threefold the amount. Cap time: 10 min.

6 min rest and time to build up your Clean and Jerk weight for WOD 2. 

WOD 2: GRACE - 30 Clean and Jerks for time (62/43kg). Cap time: 7 min

COOL DOWN: Stretching

NOTES: Two WOD's that feel like a race against time. Try to finish Annie around 7 min and Grace around 3 to 4 min. Write down your score and know your numbers!


WOD 07/05/2015 BUDDY WOD

WARM UP: Musical Balls

SKILL: Buddy Junkyard Dog

WOD: 60 Buddy Box Jumps sideways / 60 Buddy Push ups with Clap / 60 Back2Back Buddy Squats / 60 Buddy Russian Twists with med-ball (20/14lb) / 60 Buddy DL (buddy 1 holds the bar while buddy 2 does 30 bodyweight DL) / 60 Buddy Wallballs / 60 Burpees over the buddy. Time cap: 40 min.

COOLDOWN: Foam rolling

WOD 06/05/2015 Thrusters & Pull ups

WARM UP: 5 min Jump rope, followed by: 4 rounds of - Bear crawl 20m / Crab walk (20m) / Duck walk (20m) / Frog hop (20m)

SKILL: Pull up progression and Truster work up to workout weight.

WOD: For time and max weight: 7 Thrusters & 25 Pull ups / 1 min Rest / 7 Thrusters & 25 Pull ups / 1 min Rest / 5 Thrusters & 20 Pull ups / 1 min Rest / 5 Thrusters & 20 Pull ups / 1 min Rest / 3 Thrusters & 15 Pull ups / 1 min Rest / 3 Thrusters & 15 Pull ups / 1 min Rest / 3 Thrusters & 10 Pull ups / 1 min Rest /3 Thrusters & 10 Pull ups. Time cap: 30 min.

COOL DOWN: Yoga Stretching

NOTES: Take care of your hands! If you start ripping your skin off stop doing Pull ups and start doing Push ups. Try to finish within 25 min adding weight every round (start with 50/40kg).


WARM-UP: Practice all the workout movements

WOD: 2 Rounds for time - 400m Run / 26 HRPU / 400m Run / 26 KB Swing (24/20kg) / 400m Run / 26 Abmat Sit ups / 400m Run / 26 Med Ball Superman (20/14lbs) / 400m Run / 26 DU or 52 SU / 400m Run / 26 Box Jumps (24/20"). Time cap: 40min.


NOTES: This is a very long WOD and feels like a marathon. Take it slow and try to finish the first round in 15 to 20 min. Try to do all the work in between the run unbroken.



We made some changes to the schedule starting the 1st of May 2015:

• On Tuesday morning at 7AM there will be an EARLY BIRD WOD starting May the 12th. We need at least 4 people to sign up for the WOD!!

• On Friday the box closes at 8:30pm, no more 8pm WOD but 8pm BEERS!

Gymnastics on Wednesday moved to 7pm replacing the regular WOD.

Strongman moved to 12am on Saturday replacing the regular WOD

If you have any questions concerning the schedule update please let us know!