WARM UP: 5 min of 10 KB swing (RU) / 10 x 3 sec. Handstand hold / 10 ASQ
SKILL: Kettlebell Stretching and shoulder mobility test.
WOD: 5 rounds of 3 min.
15 Burpees - remaining time round 1: AMRAP Swing (US) (24/20kg)
15 Burpees - remaining time round 2: AMRAP Box Jumps
15 Burpees - remaining time round 3: AMRAP KB ground To Overhead alt. (24/20kg)
15 burpees - remaining time round 4: AMRAP HSPU
15 burpees - remaining time round 5: AMRAP Goblet SQ (24/20kg)
(Score is total Reps round 1-5)
COOLDOWN: Band Stretching
NOTES: Don't underestimate this workout, because of the burpees the life get sucked out of you in no time! Don't stop working until the 3 minutes are over, stay consistent.