I think it's safe to say that everybody is happy the FEB CHALLENGE is over! After seeing Stefan's time of 6 min we all got a little bit demotivated...to say the least. But GOOD NEWS halfway the month, because Stefan works for CrossFit Batteraof he was excluded from the competition! Therefore IVO won the challenge with 3 min and 15 sec of DEAD HANG. Come and get your t-shirt at the box Ivo.
New month new challenge. This month we will be working on strength and perfecting the PUSH UP! The challenge will be a 2 min AMRAP PERFECT Push Ups.
- You need a judge (no bro-reps) and a clock on 2 min
- Start in plank position
- Hands just outside your shoulders
- You MUST maintain the plank position at all times during the push up, straight body, no bending the back
- Extend / lock out arms at the top, touch the ground with your chest at the bottom (hip cannot touch ground)
- You can do the challenge as many times as you like in March
- You need a judge (no bro-reps) and a clock on 2 min
- Start in plank position with hands on a high box
- Hands just outside your shoulders
- You MUST maintain the plank position at all times during the push up, straight body, no bending the back
- Extend / lock out arms at the top, touch the box with your chest at the bottom
- You can do the challenge as many times as you like in March
We LOVE Push ups!!