

I think it's safe to say that everybody is happy the FEB CHALLENGE is over! After seeing Stefan's time of 6 min we all got a little bit say the least. But GOOD NEWS halfway the month, because Stefan works for CrossFit Batteraof he was excluded from the competition! Therefore IVO won the challenge with 3 min and 15 sec of DEAD HANG. Come and get your t-shirt at the box Ivo.


New month new challenge. This month we will be working on strength and perfecting the PUSH UP! The challenge will be a 2 min AMRAP PERFECT Push Ups.

- You need a judge (no bro-reps) and a clock on 2 min
- Start in plank position
- Hands just outside your shoulders
- You MUST maintain the plank position at all times during the push up, straight body, no bending the back
- Extend / lock out arms at the top, touch the ground with your chest at the bottom (hip cannot touch ground)
- You can do the challenge as many times as you like in March

- You need a judge (no bro-reps) and a clock on 2 min
- Start in plank position with hands on a high box
- Hands just outside your shoulders
- You MUST maintain the plank position at all times during the push up, straight body, no bending the back
- Extend / lock out arms at the top, touch the box with your chest at the bottom
- You can do the challenge as many times as you like in March

We LOVE Push ups!!

Maak GRATIS kennis met CrossFit tijdens de Kerstdagen

Geen zin om dit jaar de Kerstdagen bij je familie op de bank door te brengen? Kom dan kennismaken met CrossFit Batteraof in Maastricht en sport GRATIS van 21 t/m 31 December 2015.

Schrijf je nu in voor een Workout of the Day samen met je vrienden en familie en begin het nieuwe jaar gezond en fit.

* Geen verdere verplichtingen na de gratis kennismakingsweek.
* Niet geldig voor bestaande leden of als je al eerder bent komen CrossFitten bij CrossFit Batteraof.
* Niet geldig voor drop-ins van andere boxen

Don't want to spend your Christmas days on the couch? Come to CrossFit Batteraof in Maastricht and enjoy a week of FREE workouts from the 21st until the 31st of December 2015.

Sign up for a Workout Of the Day together with your friends and family and start the new year healthy and fit.

* No further obligations after the free week
* Not applicable for current members or people who already are known in the system
* Not applicable for drop-ins from other boxes