

Hope you are enjoying your Christmas present and playing around with Beyond the Whiteboard for the last 3 weeks! Let me explain some basics and go over how you log your workouts and you scaling results on Beyond the Whiteboard. It's crucial that you're putting in exactly what you did during the WODs, the more comprehensive and accurate the information you put in, the better it can help you (and us coaches!) track your progress.

Let’s get started!
• Log in to your Beyond the Whiteboard account either on your phone or desktop.
• Once you've logged in, your profile with your training calendar should come up. Click on 'Log' in the sub-menu on the upper left of your computer screen or the bottom of your phone screen (iPhone)
• From here, select 'Your Gym's WODs'. This will bring up all of the WODs that we have done at CrossFit Batteraof

NB: we have 4 different programming tracks. Box WODs / Powerlifting / Weightlifting / Gymnastics. Be sure you are looking at the correct track when you go to log your WOD!

One of the best things about CrossFit is it's universal scalability. We can modify the movements so to suit anyone's capabilities. This means that rarely all of you will be doing the exact same movements or weights in a class, so it is important that we account for that in Beyond the Whiteboard.

Let's say that you did this WOD in 7:05. The Rx weight was 45kg, but you scaled to 40kg. To log your results, you click on 'Log Result', which then brings up the workout. First, you need to adjust the weight that you used from 45 to 40 kg, press save, type in your time and click 'Modified' since it was scaled (if you used 45 kg, you would click 'As Prescribed'). The notes section can be used to point out anything that you noticed during the workout that you'd like to remember).

Now, let's say you need to scale a movement, instead of just a weight, i.e. ring rows instead of pull-ups, singles in place of double unders,  what do you do then? 
Bring up the WOD on your profile, click show more, and then click on the movement you want to adjust. Click in the 'Find Movement' search box and type in whatever movement you did for the workout. Click save, put in your rounds, mark it down as 'Modified' and you're good to go!

When logging a result, you'll have the option of choosing between "prescribed" or "modified". Your selection is important to maintaining the integrity and accuracy of our leaderboards and rankings.


Sunday JUNE the 5th @12 o'clock we are inviting all CrossFit Batteraof parents with their children for the "BRING YOUR KIDS WOD" at the CrossFit Batteraof box.
One hour of fun and games with you and your children playfully introducing them (and you as a parent) to CrossFit for kids.
The class is FREE of charge and drinks and snacks are served afterwards.

Sign up via the regular schedule online or via the MindBody app. The Mobility class will be cancelled that day. You still want to do ROMWOD? No problem, just ask for the login at the box.



The January Challenge wasn't easy! The Assault bike is a B@#ch of a machine and it will kill you in a matter of seconds! But one person came out on TOP with a score of 117 RPM.
Congratulations Juul van den Bragt, come and get your Batteraof t-shirt at the Box.

New month new challenge! This month the DEAD HANG as long as possible.

•They are gooood. They can make you strong – your grip, your forearms, your Lats and your Abs will all be stimulated.
•They will help your flexibility, it’s a loaded shoulder stretch, a T-Spine extender, and a chest stretcher. It will help your posture.
•The Human Body Likes a hang. We evolved doing this, if we stop doing this, we may well suffer.

•Thumbs around the bar
•Arms completely straight
•Squeeze your knees and feet together
•No touching the ground with your toes and no straps allowed


Maak GRATIS kennis met CrossFit tijdens de Kerstdagen

Geen zin om dit jaar de Kerstdagen bij je familie op de bank door te brengen? Kom dan kennismaken met CrossFit Batteraof in Maastricht en sport GRATIS van 21 t/m 31 December 2015.

Schrijf je nu in voor een Workout of the Day samen met je vrienden en familie en begin het nieuwe jaar gezond en fit.

* Geen verdere verplichtingen na de gratis kennismakingsweek.
* Niet geldig voor bestaande leden of als je al eerder bent komen CrossFitten bij CrossFit Batteraof.
* Niet geldig voor drop-ins van andere boxen

Don't want to spend your Christmas days on the couch? Come to CrossFit Batteraof in Maastricht and enjoy a week of FREE workouts from the 21st until the 31st of December 2015.

Sign up for a Workout Of the Day together with your friends and family and start the new year healthy and fit.

* No further obligations after the free week
* Not applicable for current members or people who already are known in the system
* Not applicable for drop-ins from other boxes