WARM UP:  No specific warmup, the buy in is 1k run and at the same time the warmup.

SKILL: prep for scaling the movements

WOD: buy in - 1 km run / 21 TTB / 18 Pull ups / 15 HSPU / 18 TTB / 15 Pull ups / 12 HSPU / 15 TTB / 12 Pull ups / 9 HSPU / 12 TTB / 9 Pull ups / 6 HSPU / TTB / 6 Pull ups / 3 HSPU / 6 TTB / 3 Pull ups / 1 HSPU. Buy out - 1 km run. Time cap: 37min

COOLDOWN: Stretch with band

Try to start all the movements strickt as much as you can. Scale along the way down the ladder if needed. Try to run 1km in 4 min so you have enough time for all the movements. 


Physical, Social and Financial Health Seminar

Thursday the 26th of March at 8PM to 10PM Jurn and Imke will organise a Physical, Social and Financial Health Seminar in our box. 

If you are interested in being a healthier person, having a better social life and more financials freedom sign up for the FREE seminar at the reception.

Want to know more about LifePlus before the seminar? Check out the website: http://lifeplusformula.com/

OPEN 15.3

PRE WARM UP: 5 min Jump rope

WARM UP: For 5 min - 5 Ring Dips / 5 Push ups / 5 Air Squats

SKILL: Muscle Up progression

WOD: AMRAP 14 min of 7 Ring Muscle Ups / 50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs) / 100 Double Unders

SCALING 1: AMRAP 14 min of 50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs) / 200 Single Unders

SCALING 2: AMRAP 14 min of 7 Ring dips / 7 push ups / 50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs) / 200 Single Unders

The Muscle Ups must be performed in the rings. Break the Wall Ball shots in sets of 15/10 reps. Try to do the Double unders unbroken. Try to go for at least 2 rounds.

Muscle Ups baby!!!!!



WARM UP: 6 min of 30 sec Air Squat / 30 sec Dead Hang on rig / 30 sec Handstand Hold

SKILL: 20 min practice Snatch to Over Head Squat and Narrow grip/stands OHSQ

WOD: For Time 80 Wall Ball Shots (20/14lbs) / 60 Pull ups /40 OHSQ (40/30kg) / 20 Burpees over the bar. Time cap of 24min

Try to stay under 20 min for this WOD. Split the wall balls in sets of 15/10 reps, don't go full out in the first 4 min. of wall balls. Use kipping for the pull ups and scale to ring rows. Save your shoulders for the OHSQ, wider stands narrow grip.

You will be out of breath for the burpees, be a firebreather and suck it up!!


We all got our own personal weaknesses and today is the day to work on them! Pick 2 weaknesses, 2 things you really suck at ( OHSQ/ Snatch, Double unders etc..) and we will create a specific warmup and workout.

PRE WARM UP: Run around the block (1 km)

WARM UP: 10 min - Weakness specific warm up

SKILL: 20 min Weakness specific skill 

WOD: 20 min - EMOM - Even min. Weakness 1 / Uneven min. Weakness 2

Embrace the suck and leave your ego at the door!!!!



Anybody doing pull ups knows what I'm talking about, ripped hands, blisters, pain and blood on your hands. Therefore im going to show you an easy and cheap way of making your own grip protectors.

The only thing you need is regular sports tape (€3,- at the reception desk) and 3 min of your time.

STEP 1: First cut 2 pieces of tape 30cm long.

STEP 2: Fold the two pieces in half 

STEP 3: Fold the two pieces again, but now in the long way (put the knurled edges together), you just created the holes for the fingers.

STEP 4: Put the two pieces together and use again a 30cm piece of tape to stick them together in the middle.

YOUR DONE!! Enjoy your smooth hands.