WOD 30/03/2015 AMRAP

WARM UP: 6 min of - 7 Tuck Jumps / 5x 5 sec. Handstand Hold / 3 Towel Pull ups

SKILL: Try all the workout movements and set the weight for the Shoulder to Overhead

WOD: AMRAP of - 15 Over the box jumps / 7 Shoulder to Overhead (60/40kg) / 5 Tire flips / 3 (legless) Rope climbs

COOL DOWN: Stretching

NOTES: Try to jump over the 24" plyo box. Also try to do the rope climbs legless. Shoulder to Overhead should feel heavy.

WOD 27/03/2015 THE SQUAT

A lot of people SMS't me a day after the WOD telling me they are 'feeling' their legs and sitting down is a challenge ;)) Therefore I would like to share this workout with all of you. DONT SKIP LEG DAY!!

WARM UP: 1000 meter Row / Row challenge: try to row exactly 100 meter or burpee penalty x5 / Bring Sally UP & DOWN Back Squat with a 20/15kg bar.

SKILL: All Squat movements from the workout

WOD: THE SQUAT - For Time: 50 Back SQ (70/50kg) / 40 Front SQ (60/40kg) / 30 Overhead SQ (50/30kg) / 20 Air SQ. Time cap: 25 min

COOL DOWN: Yoga stretches

NOTES: Try to stay under 20 min for this workout. Split the sets in 5 to 10 reps. Know your numbers on the squat!

WOD 24/03/2015 THE GRIP

WARM-UP: Bumper plate grip challenge 15kg / Plank hold challenge with bumper plate 15kg / 1 leg stands blind challenge.

SKILL: DL work up to workout weight

WOD: THE GRIP: EMOM for 24 min -  Farmers carry 50kg per hand / Deadlift 70% 1 RM / Sled Pull 80kg / Towel Pull Ups

COOL DOWN: Yoga stretching

NOTES: Make buddy teams of 2 or 3 people. If you cannot do the towel pull up do towel dead hang. Use the kettlebell 32kg if you cannot do the 50kg farmer carry.


WARM UP: Tabata 2x: Jumping jacks / Skaters / Butt kicks / Mountain climbers

SKILL: Pull up progression

WOD: ANGIE for time - 100 Pull ups / 100 Push ups / 100 Sit ups / 100 Air Squats. Time cap: 30 min

COOL DOWN: Foam roller

NOTES: For RX do all 100 reps of one movement before going to the next. Try to stay below 20min. Break up in sets of 10, 15, 25 or 50 as a scaling option.


WOD 17/03/2015

THX Vivian for the picture!

THX Vivian for the picture!

WARM UP: 10min - 10 m Inch worm / 10 lunge steps / 10 Air squats / 10 Sit ups / 10 Push ups

SKILL: Practice all the weightlifting movements from the WOD. Work up to workout weight.

WOD: AMRAP 18 min - 1 Deal lift (60/40kg) / 1 Hang Power Clean (60/40kg) / 1 Front Squat (60/40kg) / 1 Push Jerk (60/40kg). The round does not count if you drop the bar in a round of 4 lifts!

COOL DOWN: Foam roller

Note: The weight on the bar should feel medium heavy. Try to get to 50 rounds in 18 min. Take rest after every round.