Did you know that CrossFit Batteraof now has an in-house nutritionist?

From November onwards Ramon Walthie will be able to help you with the following:
• Lose some or even lots of weight?
• Maybe add weight in the form of lean muscle?
• Do you want to get your gut-health under control?
• Or are you just interested in a body composition measurement?

He can find the perfect diet for you!
How would you feel if you had an organized action plan to help you achieve your goals? How would you like to have an expert by your side each step of the way to help you interpret what’s worth trying and what’s not?



Time flies when you're having FUN! It's the last day of October and November is just 1 day away. This means we have to announce the WINNERS of the October Challenge and announce the November Challenge too.

First things first, the winners of the October Challenge are.. ratata ratata...
In the 10kg category: GITTA with 4;00 minutes in total!!
In the 15kg category: JAIME with 2;39 minutes
In the 20KG category: ALEXANDER with 1;10 minutes, nobody came close to his score, not even with using the "cheating" thinner plates ;)

Congrats guys and girls. Come and pick up your Batteraof T-shirt at the box!

THE NOVEMBER CHALLENGE.. ratata ratata..

Ok we already had this movement in a challenge but we see you all need a bit more practice and do more STRICT work!!

The challenge = As many STRICT Pull ups in 1 MONTH.
What does this mean:

  • NO KIPPING, or using any other part of your body except your arms/back to get up.
  • Chin above the bar in the top, arms fully extended in the bottom...you know the drill.
  • You don't need a judge, we trust you are not a cheater. PLAY FAIR.
  • You have the whole month to collect as many strict pull ups as possible, you can do this at any time you are in the box, also strict pullups in a WOD count for your total score.
  • Feet off the floor tall guys.
  • No bands, no jumping, no low bars.

Have fun with this challenge and be STRICT!!!



WOD and BOX BRUNCH 10/10/2015

WARMUP: 8min of: 10 ASQ / 5 Push ups / 10 kipping / 5 ring rows

SKILL: Practice and Build up to Thruster weight

WOD: "Bergeron Beep Test”
EMOM 15 min:
7 Thrusters (35/25kg)
7 Pull ups
7 Burpees
If you fail before the 15 minute mark, decrease the reps for all three movements to 6 reps and continue.  If you can’t complete the the 6’s move to 5’s, and so on…


WOD 06/10/2015

WARMUP: 6 min of: 10 ASQ / 5 pushup / 2x samson stretch / 20 sec dead hang

SKILL: pipe drill and prepare WOD weight and movements

AMRAP 8 min
1 ring / bar MU (scaling= 1 wall climb)
3 Burpees
*add 1 rep after every round

- 5 min rest -

For time - start from ground:
20 FSQ(45/30kg)
20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (45/30kg)
20 Push Press (45/30kg)
20 Overhead Squats (45/30kg)
20 BSQ (45/30kg)
*without dropping bar = RX
tc: 8 min