WARMUP: 6 min of: 5 pushups / 20 sec plank / 10 box step on-off
SKILL: Front rack Lunge step (no box) 1RM (10min)
WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:
Back Thruster (40/25kg)
Front rack box step ups (40/25kg)
tc: 12min
WARMUP: 6 min of: 5 pushups / 20 sec plank / 10 box step on-off
SKILL: Front rack Lunge step (no box) 1RM (10min)
WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:
Back Thruster (40/25kg)
Front rack box step ups (40/25kg)
tc: 12min
WARMUP: 6min of 5 pushups / 5 situps / 5kb swing / 5 body rows / 5 ASQ
SKILL: Clean & Jerk pipe drill and build up to WOD weight.
A. “Death by Power Cleans” max 15 min
1e min – 1 Power clean (50kg/35kg)
2e min – 2 Power cleans
3e min – 3 … etc.
* Add 1 rep every min, until you cannot do it anymore. Reps need to be unbroken.
-5 min rest-
B. Buddy Grace (alternating with 1 bar)
30 Reps For Time
Clean & Jerk (60/45kg)
TC: 7 min"
WARMUP: September challenge - row 500m as fast as possible.
Rest does: 5 pushup / 5 situp/ 5 ASQ / 5 burpees
SKILL: find your 1RM strict press 1-1-1 (10min) with buddy
WOD: EMOM 15 min (3 rounds)
10 Strict Press (70% 1RM)
250 m row
20 plate Sit ups (20/15kg)
15 slamballs
5 rope climbs
WARMUP: Tabata Planche and Plank
Gymnastic SKILL 3 rounds of: L-Sit 30 seconds / Wall climb 60 seconds / Bridge-Up x 5 reps
WOD: Every 6 minutes 1x, for 36 minutes (6 rounds): Run 400 M / 80 Double-Unders / 40 Kettlebell Swings (RU) (32/24 kg)
WARMUP: Thunderstruck; burpee on every 'Thunder'
SKILL: Power snatch pipe drill
BUDDY WOD: 2 rounds
50 P. Snatch (50/35kg) alternating buddies
250m run
25 Burpees over buddy
250m run
This is a two person buddy workout. Split the reps, run together
tc: 15min
August happened and so did the AMRAP Double Unders UNBROKEN in 1 min Challenge of the month. You guys made some great progress, let me share some insights;
Coach Richard set the first score to beat at 108 DU
With her new Rx Jumprope Mandy did 76 DU! Thats a great score!!
Ivo did his first 4 DU!
Master of desaster Sandro did unjudged 138 DU and was asked to do it again with judge and did 120!!! We congratulate Sandro with winning a custom designed Batteraof T-shirt!
Now that we got those Double Unders down let's take on a new challenge!
This month challenge is..... 500m ROW as fast as possible!
Here are some great TIPS for the 500m Row: http://breakingmuscle.com/rowing/17-tips-for-getting-better-at-rowing
And if you want to see how you rank against the rest of the world check this out: http://log.concept2.com/rankings.asp
GOOD LUCK everybody!