WARMUP: OCTOBER CHALLENGE! and Sally ASQ and Sally Push up
SKILL: Handstand walk with buddy
AMRAP 20 min: "Mary"
5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pull-Ups
(aim is 9-12 rounds)
WARMUP: OCTOBER CHALLENGE! and Sally ASQ and Sally Push up
SKILL: Handstand walk with buddy
AMRAP 20 min: "Mary"
5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pull-Ups
(aim is 9-12 rounds)
WARMUP: tabata bar/pipe in back jump SQ
SKILL: 1 legged box jumps and vertical box jump contest
WOD E2MOM for 2 rounds of:
1. max Wall-ball situps (20/14lbs)
-20 sec rest-
2. max Box/pipe Jump overs
-20 sec rest-
3. max DU (SU/3)
-20 sec rest-
4. max m Row
-20 sec rest-
WARMUP: 6 min of: 5 pushups / 20 sec plank / 10 box step on-off
SKILL: Front rack Lunge step (no box) 1RM (10min)
WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Reps of:
Back Thruster (40/25kg)
Front rack box step ups (40/25kg)
tc: 12min
WARMUP: 8 min: 10 tuck jumps / 10 ASQ / 10 sideways mnt climbers / 10 lunge steps / 10 sit ups.
SKILL: stretch with band and practice all movements with PVC (10 min)
CROSSFIT TOTAL Know you numbers!! Your Goal is to Find Your One Rep
Shoulder Press 1-1-1
5 min rest
BSQ 1-1-1
5 min rest
DL 1-1-1
WARMUP: Mine field game 8 min (5 burpees if you don't hit a mine)
SKILL/Challenge: EMOM 7min: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4 (weighted) ring dips. Scaled: no weight ring dips Beginner: paused box dips (3 sec in bottom).
WOD 1: 21-15-9 For time:
CTB Pull-Ups
KB P.Snatch
TC: 6min
- Rest 2 minutes -
WOD 2: “JT” 21-15-9 For time:
Handstand Push-Ups
Ring/Box Dips
HR Push-Ups
TC: 12min
WARMUP: run around the block add 1 pushup at every landpost
SKILL: SDLHP and Push Press and Build up WOD weight
WOD 3 rounds for time:
30 Wall ball shots (20/14lbs)
30 Sumo deadlift high-pull (35/25kg)
30 Box jumps
30 Push press (35/25kg)
30 lunge steps (no weight)
30 Push-ups
TC: 23 min