Batteraof goes Battle of Maestricht

Batteraof will be promoting CrossFit at The Battle of Maestricht this Sunday the 5th! We will be giving CrossFit and Strongman demo's every 15 min, Organizing a little CrossFit Battle WOD to win a BEAST T-shirt and giving away FREE INTRO WOD's.  

If you are interested in helping us with the demo's or giving information to the public about CrossFit Batteraof please let us know, we really appreciate your help!
If you just want to come and hang out with us, that's cool too ;)

The location of the start and finish is at the Observant, at the bottom of the St. Pietersberg. This is also the location of the CF Batteraof demo stand.

Last but not least, the Batteraoven Beasts will be the last one running the Battle, please come and cheer us on!


NEW!!! Batteraof BTCMP
OUTDOOR Bootcamp training, constantly varied, intense and functional.

Starting from the first week of July you can train all year round and always outdoor! Rain or sunshine, you and your non-CrossFit friends can join us and workout at exciting and challenging locations such as the City Park, ENCI, Observant, St. Pieter, Geusselt or Jekerdal.

We are going to use everything as a potential training object, think of logs, ropes, weights, backpacks and we regularly hang out under bridges and chase children away from playground climbing rigs… nothing is too crazy for us when it comes to functional training.

Led by one of our trainers, you are assured of a creative outdoor training that will leave conventional "Bootcamp classes" far behind..



Skill: FSQ 1-1-1 with Buddy and build up Bench press weight.

BUDDY WOD: 5 rounds E2minOM
Part 1:
20 Cal Row
AMRAP Front Squats (weight same as buddy)
-30 sec rest (to switch)-
Part 2:
200m Run (4x up/down the box)
AMRAP Bench Press (weight same as buddy)
Score: Total FSQ and Bench press reps of you and your buddy

COOLDOWN: Foam rolling

NOTES: If all the sport in the rig are taken start the 1st FSQ from the ground.

WOD 02/06/2015 BURPEE TIME!

WARM UP: 5 min of 10 KB swing (RU) / 10 x 3 sec. Handstand hold / 10 ASQ

SKILL: Kettlebell Stretching and shoulder mobility test.

WOD: 5 rounds of 3 min.
15 Burpees - remaining time round 1: AMRAP Swing (US) (24/20kg)
15 Burpees - remaining time round 2: AMRAP Box Jumps
15 Burpees - remaining time round 3: AMRAP KB ground To Overhead alt. (24/20kg)
15 burpees - remaining time round 4: AMRAP HSPU
15 burpees - remaining time round 5: AMRAP Goblet SQ (24/20kg)
(Score is total Reps round 1-5)

COOLDOWN: Band Stretching

NOTES: Don't underestimate this workout, because of the burpees the life get sucked out of you in no time! Don't stop working until the 3 minutes are over, stay consistent.