WARMUP: Tabata Planche and Plank
Gymnastic SKILL 3 rounds of: L-Sit 30 seconds / Wall climb 60 seconds / Bridge-Up x 5 reps
WOD: Every 6 minutes 1x, for 36 minutes (6 rounds): Run 400 M / 80 Double-Unders / 40 Kettlebell Swings (RU) (32/24 kg)
WARMUP: Tabata Planche and Plank
Gymnastic SKILL 3 rounds of: L-Sit 30 seconds / Wall climb 60 seconds / Bridge-Up x 5 reps
WOD: Every 6 minutes 1x, for 36 minutes (6 rounds): Run 400 M / 80 Double-Unders / 40 Kettlebell Swings (RU) (32/24 kg)
WARMUP: Thunderstruck; burpee on every 'Thunder'
SKILL: Power snatch pipe drill
BUDDY WOD: 2 rounds
50 P. Snatch (50/35kg) alternating buddies
250m run
25 Burpees over buddy
250m run
This is a two person buddy workout. Split the reps, run together
tc: 15min
WARMUP: Buddy 'Junkyard dog' 6 min
SKILL: Seated jump (sit on feet) / Seated Box Jump / High jump
WOD: 27-21-15-9-3 reps of: Deadlifts( 100/70kg), Box Jumps, 1 sled pull after each round tc: 12min
WARMUP: 1 run around the block. After 5 min: 10 situps / 10 ASQ / 5 pushups / 20 sec dead hang
SKILL: EMOM 15min - Complex add weight every min: 1 High Pull / 1 Hang P.Clean / 1 P. Clean / 1 Full clean
WOD: 10 RFT: 5 Full Clean (70% 1rm) 5 KTE tc: 10min
WARMUP: 3 rounds: 20 pass through / 10 table makers / 5 bridge push ups / 2 skin the cat / 1 wall climb
SKILL: 3x5 tripod leg raises (head on ground). 3x5 negative HSPU. 3x5 L-sit pullups. 3x5 Ring pushups. 3x5 negative MU with falce grip. 3x5 wide ring rows (feet elevated). 3x5 strict pullup. 3x5 diamond pushup
August happened and so did the AMRAP Double Unders UNBROKEN in 1 min Challenge of the month. You guys made some great progress, let me share some insights;
Coach Richard set the first score to beat at 108 DU
With her new Rx Jumprope Mandy did 76 DU! Thats a great score!!
Ivo did his first 4 DU!
Master of desaster Sandro did unjudged 138 DU and was asked to do it again with judge and did 120!!! We congratulate Sandro with winning a custom designed Batteraof T-shirt!
Now that we got those Double Unders down let's take on a new challenge!
This month challenge is..... 500m ROW as fast as possible!
Here are some great TIPS for the 500m Row: http://breakingmuscle.com/rowing/17-tips-for-getting-better-at-rowing
And if you want to see how you rank against the rest of the world check this out: http://log.concept2.com/rankings.asp
GOOD LUCK everybody!
You must have noticed that the evenings and weekends at the box are getting busy! Thats why we added an extra WOD hour on Saturday AND Sunday at 09:00 am. Starting this week the 22nd and 23rd of August.
If you don't get a spot in the WOD right away put yourself on the waiting list, only 2 people can be on this list and will be added automatically.
You can schedule your WOD's 30 days in advance! So get organized ;)
The 23rd of August at 12:45 we will gather at the box and drive with some cars to Bilzen for a #SummerBoxTour WOD at 13:30 at CrossFit Bilzen. It's a new box nor so far away and we would like to say hello to our neighbors and make their box dirty with our sweat ;) The costs will be €5 except if you're the driver! Sign up via our Facebook event.
Want to become more flexible but don't have the time to come to the Mobility WOD on Sunday at 11 o'clock? We got a solution for you! Sign up for ROMWOD and get your daily fix! ROMWOD is a website filled with mobility video's ranging from 10 to 45 min for all levels of flexibility.
Want to know how to sign up with a reduction? Come to the box and we will get you an account! romwod.com