August happened and so did the AMRAP Double Unders UNBROKEN in 1 min Challenge of the month. You guys made some great progress, let me share some insights;

Coach Richard set the first score to beat at 108 DU

With her new Rx Jumprope Mandy did 76 DU! Thats a great score!!

Ivo did his first 4 DU! 

Master of desaster Sandro did unjudged 138 DU and was asked to do it again with judge and did 120!!! We congratulate Sandro with winning a custom designed Batteraof T-shirt!

Now that we got those Double Unders down let's take on a new challenge!
This month challenge is..... 500m ROW as fast as possible!

Here are some great TIPS for the 500m Row:

And if you want to see how you rank against the rest of the world check this out:

GOOD LUCK everybody!



You must have noticed that the evenings and weekends at the box are getting busy! Thats why we added an extra WOD hour on Saturday AND Sunday at 09:00 am. Starting this week the 22nd and 23rd of August.
If you don't get a spot in the WOD right away put yourself on the waiting list, only 2 people can be on this list and will be added automatically.
You can schedule your WOD's 30 days in advance! So get organized ;)


The 23rd of August at 12:45 we will gather at the box and drive with some cars to Bilzen for a #SummerBoxTour WOD at 13:30 at CrossFit Bilzen. It's a new box nor so far away and we would like to say hello to our neighbors and make their box dirty with our sweat ;) The costs will be €5 except if you're the driver! Sign up via our Facebook event.


Want to become more flexible but don't have the time to come to the Mobility WOD on Sunday at 11 o'clock? We got a solution for you! Sign up for ROMWOD and get your daily fix! ROMWOD is a website filled with mobility video's ranging from 10 to 45 min for all levels of flexibility.
Want to know how to sign up with a reduction? Come to the box and we will get you an account!


July happened and so did the PULL UP Challenge of the month.
You guys made some great progress, let me share some insights;

Gilles bit the bullet and went first, he set the benchmark for most. His score is 3rd overall.

Bjørn before he went on holiday had a score of 40 kipping Pull up and when he came back from holiday 2 weeks later he did 49! Proving that a little rest goes a long way ;)

Rosalie got the highest score of the girls in the box, 30 kipping Pull ups, NO JOKE!

Kelly went from 0 to HERO with 1 Strict Pull up, great job! We would like to congratulate her with winning the July challenge and her Batteraof T-shirt!

Konstantin wrapped it all up with his score of 61 kipping Pull ups. We would like to congratulate him with winning the July challenge and his Batteraof T-shirt!

Nick got the most strict Pull ups, 25 unbroken! He's in Aruba but when he comes back a Batteraof T-shirt is waiting for him!

Now that we got those Pull ups down let's take on a new challenge!
This month challenge is..... AMRAP Double Unders UNBROKEN in 1 min

Here are some rules:
•You got 1 min to complete as many Double Unders as possible
•Single Unders don't count and you can't do single unders in between the DU set
•Get a buddy to judge you
•When you break a set you have can continue within that minute or start the minute over again
•You can try as many times as you like within the month of August
•Scores are only counted when written down on the board before the end of the month.

Here are some tips and tricks to improve your Double Unders:
•Check your rope length: stepping on the rope, the handles should be armpit height
•Hold hands close in tight and out in front (wide hands makes the rope shorter)
•Rotate (or “spin”) the rope from the wrist (NOT the shoulders)
•Find focal point in front
•Try to jump up and down in roughly the same spot (traveling leads to tripping)
•Avoid excess movement
•Up and down bounce from the toes (don't land on heels)
•Jump when rope is about to hit the ground
•Practice linked singles, alternating single and double unders first, and then linked double unders


GOOD LUCK everybody!


Are you ready to watch the fittest people on Earth? We can not wait for the CrossFit Games to begin!! In less than 1 week the first CrossFit Games Master workouts already start. With events like Murph, a snatch ladder and a sprint mash up it will be great to watch!

What could be more fun than getting together in the box to experience this event/night while enjoying a WOD, a BBQ, a DJ, a snack, a drink and some zzzz... with a group of 'crazy' Cross-Fitters?!

Some practical information:
Program Saturday, July 25th
17:00 - Team workout (with special CrossFit Games theme and DJ)
18:00 - Start BBQ + Live stream on a large projector
05:30 - End of last workout CrossFit Games Saturday
05:30 - 08:30 Sleeping in the box
We will organize a BREAKFAST the next morning at 08:30 and for the die-hards you can join the Sunday WOD or BTCMP at 10 or 11am!

What you need to bring:
Food and drinks for the BBQ (can be paleo-proof)
Sportswear (if you participate in the workout)
Clean clothing (for post-workout)
Something to sit on or sleep on/in (air mattress, sleeping bag, folding chair, etc.) * There are some sofas available in the box.

The costs for this evening (DJ and breakfast) will be €15 per person. Please sign up online (MindBody), or with the button below, or at the box.

The biggest CrossFit competition in the Benelux is about to begin!

You worked hard the last 6 month! You are fitter and stronger and want to test your fitness! Challenge yourself and see how fit you really are! Join this year's Lowlands Throwdown, the registration is open NOW! The biggest CrossFit competition in the Benelux is about to begin.

Saturday the 5th and Sunday the 6th of September, the qualifier workouts will be hosted at the Batteraof Box. You have to perform multiple workouts in 1 day and you go to "war" with hundreds of other athletes from the lowlands. But remember, participating is more important than winning!!

If you are among the best of 45 men, 30 women, 15 men Masters (40+) or 15 masters women (40+) you will go to the finals at Omnisport Apeldoorn. On Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 October, the fittest athletes then decide who this years best!


We want to challenge you all to get better at PULL UPS! Therefore this month we will test you on this upper body strength skill and make a challenge board to post and celebrate your score of 1 SET of UNBROKEN PULL UPS publicly!

Practice the STRICT PULL UP at least 3x a week
Practice doing unbroken sets
Ask your trainers for tips and tricks or scaling options
No PULL UP with band, jumping pull up or negatives
You can try as many times as you like to get the highest score on the board

3 Variations of the PULL UP are allowed when doing the UNBROKEN set of PULL UPS:
STRICT, KIPPING or BUTTERFLY, all other scaling options are excluded from the challenge.
Strict is RXX and Kipping/Butterfly is RX, so this means that if you do 20 Strict Pull ups Unbroken this is ranked higher than 20 Unbroken Kipping or Butterfly Pull ups.

You will get STRONGER, you will get challenged, you will get blisters ;) but more importantly you will get a FREE T-SHIRT!!

The first person going from ZERO to HERO (0 to 1 Pull up) will get a special reward and publicity on our social networks.

....So how many PULL UPS can you do UNBROKEN in a row?