I think it's safe to say that everybody is happy the FEB CHALLENGE is over! After seeing Stefan's time of 6 min we all got a little bit say the least. But GOOD NEWS halfway the month, because Stefan works for CrossFit Batteraof he was excluded from the competition! Therefore IVO won the challenge with 3 min and 15 sec of DEAD HANG. Come and get your t-shirt at the box Ivo.


New month new challenge. This month we will be working on strength and perfecting the PUSH UP! The challenge will be a 2 min AMRAP PERFECT Push Ups.

- You need a judge (no bro-reps) and a clock on 2 min
- Start in plank position
- Hands just outside your shoulders
- You MUST maintain the plank position at all times during the push up, straight body, no bending the back
- Extend / lock out arms at the top, touch the ground with your chest at the bottom (hip cannot touch ground)
- You can do the challenge as many times as you like in March

- You need a judge (no bro-reps) and a clock on 2 min
- Start in plank position with hands on a high box
- Hands just outside your shoulders
- You MUST maintain the plank position at all times during the push up, straight body, no bending the back
- Extend / lock out arms at the top, touch the box with your chest at the bottom
- You can do the challenge as many times as you like in March

We LOVE Push ups!!

OPEN 16.1

As you all may already know the next 4 Friday night's we are hosting the OPEN WOD's in the Batteraof Box starting at 6 o'clock. All members can come and sign up for a great experience!

Just wanna have a lookielook? No problem we love people that come and bring us food, drinks and cheer ons!!

Want to get some judging experience, that's great! Do the judge course online and come and help us out!

We got a custom LEADERBOARD online! If you "officially" signed up for the OPEN you can check your score here or share it with friends and fam.


Yesterday Fysiotherapie Souren made a start at the Batteraof Box. As of now, you can contact us; Mark Souren and Rick van Marm (intern at Fysiotherapie Souren) for all your physical complaints.
So how does it work? Below you can find some basic information and practice regulations.

Do I need a referral before a physio assessment?
No, a referral is not required! You can make an appointment without consulting your general practitioner / family doctor or specialist.

What is in a first appointment?
1. A physiotherapy screening that will indicate if physiotherapy is the required way to remedy your complaint. If physiotherapy is indicated, a full assessment will take place.
2. Next, the findings of the assessment will be discussed with you and a treatment plan will be drawn up. If there is sufficient time remaining the actual treatment will already start.
3. If there is no indication for physical therapy, you will be directed to your general practitioner.

How can I make an appointment?
Contact us via phone: 045-5241184. However, to quickly make your appointment in the CrossFit Batteraof box, please contact Rick van Marm: +31(0)651599458

Our Consultation hours:
Tuesday between 18:00-20:00pm
Saturday between 9:00-12:00am
* We will try to be flexible, so consultation hours or days may sometimes alter

Some Practice regulations
1. At the first appointment, we ask you to bring a referral; your insurance card and identification to the practice.
2. We ask you to bring one or two towels.
3. Because of hygiene measures, we ask you not to train prior to treatment.
4. Payment for physiotherapy is totally or partially reimbursed by your health insurance, depending on your insurance. It is your responsibility to inform you about your own insurance form and conditions. If there are some you do not understand about your insurance, please contact your healthcare provider If you have any questions, please check out our website (in Dutch), contact Rick via mobile or ask us in the box.

Although CrossFit Batteraof and Fysiotherapie Souren are two independent and separate businesses, we are set for a fruitful and successful collaboration.

Cheers and see you in the practice!

Mark Souren en Rick van Marm



The January Challenge wasn't easy! The Assault bike is a B@#ch of a machine and it will kill you in a matter of seconds! But one person came out on TOP with a score of 117 RPM.
Congratulations Juul van den Bragt, come and get your Batteraof t-shirt at the Box.

New month new challenge! This month the DEAD HANG as long as possible.

•They are gooood. They can make you strong – your grip, your forearms, your Lats and your Abs will all be stimulated.
•They will help your flexibility, it’s a loaded shoulder stretch, a T-Spine extender, and a chest stretcher. It will help your posture.
•The Human Body Likes a hang. We evolved doing this, if we stop doing this, we may well suffer.

•Thumbs around the bar
•Arms completely straight
•Squeeze your knees and feet together
•No touching the ground with your toes and no straps allowed



Let's not waist any time on the DECEMBER 2015 CHALLENGE, we all know we failed miserably...and let's go straight to the January 2016 Challenge!

Have you seen the NEW ASSAULT BIKE? It's a machine made in HELL!
We would like to challenge you to get the highest RPM (rounds per minute) possible.
I know some of you have been practicing and can acknowledge this challenge is harder than the 500m row challenge!

To win the famous Batteraof T-shirt here are some rules:
• Men and Women have their own category
• You can try as many times as you like within a month's time
• Clean your sweat, blood and puke from the bike
• Don't bike outside!


the AWARD went to...

Lot's of Batteraof Athletes send in their vote for the Batteraof BEAST of 2015 AWARD and 1 person's name was voted a bit more than others...
But before we tell you how great the Batteraof BEAST of 2015 is, let me share with you what athletes said about each other and get all warm and fuzzy inside just like me ;)
Check this out this presentation

And the award went to... CHRISTOPHE WELTENS
The athletes that voted for Christophe said the following:
"Always helpful to other athletes"
"He works hard and motivates people"
"He is always helpful , very eager to move forward and a great team player"
"Has made incredible progress, is always friendly and always tries to motivate his fellow athletes"

"Despite a busy job he always does his best to come to the box, gives advice and is always relaxed"

Christophe was very surprised that he got nominated and that shows even more how great he is as a person! We hope he will train in the box for a very very long time so we can all enjoy his company.