Batteraof Athlete of 2015 AWARD

Beloved Batteraoven,
Friday the 18th of December we are organizing a night dedicated to goals setting for 2016.
More info about the event can be found here.

During this event we will be announcing the Athlete of 2015!
2015 has been a great year for us, we have grown from zero to 140 members and we are very proud of all of you! We want to highlight 1 member that YOU think deserves the athlete of 2015 award.

When nominating think about these criteria:
Who made great progress this year.
Who's a great example for others.
Who has a great attitude.
Who works hard.
Who inspires others.
Who do you like to be around.
Who cheers everybody on during the WOD.

It would be great if you all would fill in the survey to vote for the athlete you think deserved this title.

SEE YOU THE 18th!!



“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It's a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.” - Muhammad Ali -

Friday the 18th of December 2015 we are organizing a night of goal setting for 2016 in our CrossFit Batteraof box.

Starting at 6pm you are welcome to drop in and talk to us about your personal goals for 2016. There will also be a form/questionnaire send around before the 18th so you can come prepared.

• Our new fysio team will present themselves and give a small demo of how they will be able to help with and prevent injuries.

• Ramon our new nutritionist will give a short presentation about his services and how to improve your food and drinking habits to support your health and sports. He will also be showing how a body composition measurement is done.

• The athlete of 2015 will be announced chosen by members of the box.

• There will be a picture presentation of 2015.

• Time for some action after all that talking! From 8 to 9 pm you can participate in the BARBELLS & BEER WOD for the men and the WHISKEY & WORST WOD for the women. We will be starting of with CrossFit Baseline and complete the WOD with CrossFit Total. 

Bring as many friends and family members as you like, just let us know who is coming.
If you want to contribute to this goal setting event please let us know!
And don't hesitate to bring food and drinks. Coffee, thee, beer and worst will be provided by the box.

Don't forget Friday the 18th. Look for the Facebook event and SAVE THE DATE!!

Maak GRATIS kennis met CrossFit tijdens de Kerstdagen

Geen zin om dit jaar de Kerstdagen bij je familie op de bank door te brengen? Kom dan kennismaken met CrossFit Batteraof in Maastricht en sport GRATIS van 21 t/m 31 December 2015.

Schrijf je nu in voor een Workout of the Day samen met je vrienden en familie en begin het nieuwe jaar gezond en fit.

* Geen verdere verplichtingen na de gratis kennismakingsweek.
* Niet geldig voor bestaande leden of als je al eerder bent komen CrossFitten bij CrossFit Batteraof.
* Niet geldig voor drop-ins van andere boxen

Don't want to spend your Christmas days on the couch? Come to CrossFit Batteraof in Maastricht and enjoy a week of FREE workouts from the 21st until the 31st of December 2015.

Sign up for a Workout Of the Day together with your friends and family and start the new year healthy and fit.

* No further obligations after the free week
* Not applicable for current members or people who already are known in the system
* Not applicable for drop-ins from other boxes


Last month of the year and we have a GRAND CHALLENGE for ALL of you TOGETHER!!!


But first let me share with you the score and the winners of the NOVEMBER CHALLENGE.
The winner in the category MEN is Christophe Weltens! He pulled 610 strict reps in 1 month. Congrats x-ophe, come and get your free t-shirt at the box.
The winner in the category WOMEN is ME!!! Just joking ;) It's Maartje Zwakenberg, she went from ZERO to HERO this month AND got 7 strict pullups. Maartje, come and get your free t-shirt at the box.


This month challenge is a GROUP CHALLENGE! We are going to collect 10.000 minutes of deep squat sit hold.

Here are some rules:
• Air squats only, below parallel
• Set yourself a time you are going to do the challenge and stick to it! If you come out of the squat before the min are over they don't count!
• Half minutes don't count
• Only squatting in the box counts
• No help from others or walls or anything

More importantly...What can you win as a group??
If the 10.000 minutes are done we (the box owners) will organize a NEW YEAR BORREL with free drinks for everybody ;)

...and now SHUT UP AND SQUAT!!!!




Holiday's are coming but your GAINZ should remain! Therefore we are NOT CLOSING the Batteraof Box completely during the last days of 2015. Let me share with you the schedule:

Thursday 24th of December: OPEN from 09:00 to 12:30 special WOD's
Friday 25th of December: CLOSED as usual
Saturday 26th of December: OPEN from 09:00 to 12:30 special WOD's (no strongman)
Thursday 31st of December: OPEN from 09:00 to 12:30 special WOD's
Friday 1st of January: CLOSED as usual


The NEW YEAR is bringing a lot of GOOD things to the Box! The schedule changes and more WOD's are planned in the evenings. The WOD's during the week will start at 5:30pm and end at 9:30pm, so 1 extra WOD is added on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday!
See the schedule below for the complete update.

The Tuesday Weightlifting class will remain and move to 8:30 pm. The Thursday class will be cancelled and replaced by a WOD.

The Wednesday Gymnastic class will remain and move to 8:30 pm.

The ALL IN ONE Beginners classes will remain on Saturday. The Beginners 1, 2 or 3 during the week will be removed.

The Saturday will no longer have a special Strongman class, but all the WOD's on Saturday will have a BUDDY / STRONGMAN flavour.

Competition Training
If you want to take part in future CrossFit competitions you will have the ability to train with a team of likeminded athletes on Friday evening and Sunday morning. 

Let us know if you have any questions


Not just another day at the Batteraof box, but crush 1 PR and attack 2 weaknesses day! Let me share with you some of the highlights of the day... Get ready to be impressed;

Sander did not 1 but 2 bar muscle ups today and got massive biceps immediately after...he is also a great photomodel as you can see!

Sander did not 1 but 2 bar muscle ups today and got massive biceps immediately after...he is also a great photomodel as you can see!

Victor did something amazing today, he improved his Deadlift PR with 90kg!! Going from 80kg to a 170kg deadlift. Great stuff 

Victor did something amazing today, he improved his Deadlift PR with 90kg!! Going from 80kg to a 170kg deadlift. Great stuff 

Karin did 3 unbroken kipping handstand pushups today without an abmat!  Got a PR and she looked great doing it :)

Karin did 3 unbroken kipping handstand pushups today without an abmat!  Got a PR and she looked great doing it :)

Danny added at least 5kg to his Deadlift PR!! Without a hookgrip ;) So who knows how much he can lift next time with the hookgrip... 

Danny added at least 5kg to his Deadlift PR!! Without a hookgrip ;) So who knows how much he can lift next time with the hookgrip... 

I just like this picture!!! By the way Vivian also broke her PR on the power clean without planning to do so! Did I tell you that I like this picture!! 

I just like this picture!!! By the way Vivian also broke her PR on the power clean without planning to do so! Did I tell you that I like this picture!! 

Mandy didnt give up and got that 110kg Deadlift after the class was over. Great spirit! Never give up!!

Mandy didnt give up and got that 110kg Deadlift after the class was over. Great spirit! Never give up!!

Antony's back squats are deep and strong! Crushed his PR with 10kg and is still smiling :))

Antony's back squats are deep and strong! Crushed his PR with 10kg and is still smiling :))

Hermes is just great in everything, everyday is a PR day! 

Hermes is just great in everything, everyday is a PR day! 

How many bar muscle ups unbroken did you do Iv Oo? And how many meters did you walk on your hands? And how many strict pull ups did you do with a weighted vest? And thrusters and and and...... Great day! 

How many bar muscle ups unbroken did you do Iv Oo? And how many meters did you walk on your hands? And how many strict pull ups did you do with a weighted vest? And thrusters and and and...... Great day! 

Lee Roy added 10kg to his Clean and Jerk. He also got arms sticking out of his ears 😁 

Lee Roy added 10kg to his Clean and Jerk. He also got arms sticking out of his ears 😁 

All in all it was a great day and we hope you enjoyed it too! Lets keep on attacking those darn weaknesses and bring on some new PR's! Great job BEASTS.