WOD 27/9/2015

WARMUP: Mine field game 8 min (5 burpees if you don't hit a mine)

SKILL/Challenge: EMOM 7min: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4 (weighted) ring dips. Scaled: no weight ring dips Beginner: paused box dips (3 sec in bottom).

WOD 1: 21-15-9 For time:
CTB Pull-Ups
KB P.Snatch
TC: 6min

- Rest 2 minutes -

WOD 2: “JT” 21-15-9 For time:
Handstand Push-Ups
Ring/Box Dips
HR Push-Ups
TC: 12min

WOD 24/09/2015

WARMUP: 6min of 5 pushups / 5 situps /  5kb swing / 5 body rows  / 5 ASQ

SKILL: Clean & Jerk pipe drill and build up to WOD weight.


A. “Death by Power Cleans” max 15 min

1e min – 1 Power clean (50kg/35kg)

2e min – 2 Power cleans

3e min – 3 … etc.

* Add 1 rep every min, until you cannot do it anymore. Reps need to be unbroken.

-5 min rest-

B.  Buddy Grace (alternating with 1 bar)

30 Reps For Time

Clean & Jerk (60/45kg)

TC: 7 min"

WOD 22/09/2015

WARMUP: 6 min animal crackers backwards 10 m: crab walk / bear crawl / inch worm

SKILL: FSQ EMOM for 10 min 3 Pausing Front Squats
Each set should consist of:
Rep 1 = 5 second hold in SQ
Rep 2 = 3 second hold in SQ
Rep 3 = 1 second hold in SQ
*add weight after every set

Conditioning WOD: 100 Blasters for time (burpee/jumping pull up/KTE/TTB)
TC: 20 min